Monday, February 27, 2012

The Book of Mormon: Handbook for Life

Over the past several weeks, I've been thinking a lot about the Book of Mormon and how much it has blessed my life. I want to share my personal experience with the Book of Mormon, why I love it so much, and how I know it's true.

Just up front, I'm not going to explain what the Book of Mormon is. So if you don't know what it is, where it came from, or what it's about, check out this link: It's really clear and informative. If you have any further questions, feel free to comment and I'll do my best to answer them. If you're interested in reading the Book of Mormon, you can also request a free copy for yourself at that website.
I have been reading from the Book of Mormon since I was a child with my family and in church, and since I was an adolescent I've read the Book of Mormon all the way through on my own probably about 20 times. I don't have it memorized and I certainly don't understand every passage. But I understand the way I feel when I read it. Reading the Book of Mormon brings me peace, assurance, and strength. From its pages, I've learned invaluable lessons, I've received personalized instruction, and I've come to understand my Savior as I've studied His interactions with the people in the Americas. I have felt His love for me time and time again as I've read certain passages that have spoken to my soul like nothing else could. I know it is true because I know it comes from God.

The Book of Mormon is the greatest handbook for life that I have. Elder Richard G. Scott, a leader in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said, "Throughout the ages, Father in Heaven has inspired select men and women to find, through the guidance of the Holy Ghost, solutions to life's most perplexing problems. He has inspired those authorized servants to record those solutions as a type of handbook for those of His children who have faith in His plan of happiness and in His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ." He goes on to say that we have access to that guidance through the scriptures, including the Bible and the Book of Mormon. I love the Bible and I have received some very precious inspiration by reading its pages. The Book of Mormon, though, is incredibly clear and easy to understand and apply, something that isn't always true of the Bible. Together, the Bible and Book of Mormon offer a complete, crystal-clear guide for how to deal with difficult situations, how to treat those around us, how to be happy now, and ultimately how to return to our Heavenly Father after this life. The Book of Mormon is called "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" because, along with other scripture, it shows us that the answers to those perplexing problems involve Jesus Christ. On a regular basis, I find scriptures in the Book of Mormon that show me exactly what I need to do to be happy or to overcome something I'm struggling with. It is an indispensable source of truth and light for me.

The Book of Mormon has also been my tether to God. By studying the Book of Mormon every day, I have remained close to my Heavenly Father and my Savior. There was a time in my life when I was really struggling with being the kind of person I wanted to be. I was slacking on a lot of things I knew I should be doing. I felt very distant from God, and, as a result, I was unhappy. Early in my life, though, I had established a habit of reading the Book of Mormon every day. During that dark time, even though my study wasn't incredible or life-changing, I still read every day. Looking back, I know that's what kept me within reach of God. I never strayed very far and I have since corrected a lot of the things I was struggling with. I know it was because, even without trying, I was able to have even a small dose of the Spirit every day by opening the pages of the Book of Mormon and allowing my Heavenly Father to teach me something and show His love for me. The Book of Mormon has literally saved my life, spiritually-speaking.

I'm no scholar. I don't understand everything about theology and I don't have all the answers to questions that are often presented about my religion, and more specifically about the Book of Mormon. All I can do is testify that I know this book comes from God. I know it's true because every time I have done something that I have learned through my study, the promised result has come to pass in my life. As I study its words and apply its teachings, my life is improved: I'm happier; I'm kinder; I'm more patient; I'm more loving; I'm calmer. I have direction and purpose in my life.

I know the Book of Mormon is true because I have read it, pondered its teachings, and asked God, through prayer, if what I have read is true. I have felt the sweet confirmation that comes through His Spirit telling me that it is. As an added witness, I have seen the promises come true in my life as I have applied the teachings in my life. I know that anyone can know it's true by doing these same things. It is a powerful book that I know can help anyone handle any problem they're facing. I believe God wants to helps us any way He can and if we seek His help and confirmation, He'll give it to us willingly.

Joseph Smith once said about the Book of Mormon that "A man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book." That has proven true in my life. Through the Book of Mormon, I have drawn closer to my Savior Jesus Christ. As far as I'm concerned, that's the most powerful effect a book can have.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Johnson Engagement

A couple weeks ago, my roommate Aubrey and my friend Erik got engaged. They love the rest of us so much they invited us to be part of the night! Erik sent Aubrey on a scavenger hunt of sorts to several different places that are significant to them and she ended up at an events center called Noah's, where they're going to have their wedding reception. He was there waiting for her with a ring and one very important question. They had some romantic time and then the rest of us came to celebrate with them. They've been two of my closest friends these last few years and I'm thrilled they ended up together. I've never seen either of them happier.

Jason and Aubrey were there as the marriage experts, representing married people.

The rest of us were there representing single people, which in reality, blows my mind. Do you see how many attractive people were in this room? The mystery of our time.

Mitch and Braden were there, too, but they're not important so I didn't think they deserved to be in a picture. Just kidding. They were just busy playing pool.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Usually on Valentine's Day I either feel pretty bitter or pretty sad, since in my 26 years I have had a boyfriend for Valentine's Day exactly 1 time. That would be in 8th grade. At the time, however, my boyfriend and I did not go to the same school and since neither of us could drive ourselves anywhere and I wasn't even supposed to have a boyfriend in the first place, we didn't get to see each other on Valentine's Day. We talked on Valentine's Day, of course, and we each had a gift for each other but we wouldn't see each other until that weekend at a basketball game we were both going to, so we were going to exchange our gifts then. Well, I showed up to that basketball game and before I even saw my bf, his good friend came up to me and said that my bf was breaking up with me. Because we were in 8th grade, this was obviously not something he could tell me himself. We never exchanged gifts. So. Even though I have had a boyfriend one time on Valentine's Day, I have never celebrated a Valentine's Day with a boyfriend.

Usually, I'm singing this on V-Day.

Don't feel sorry for me. The video's sweet, the dancing is mind-blowing, and hello, have you seen Usher? It's true, though. I do need somebody to love. And I'm pretty convinced that whoever decides to love me back will not regret it. These fellas don't even know how great of a wife I will be.

This year, though, aside from wishing I had someone to love, I still felt very loved. I was able to spend the evening with these beauties:

And our good friend Jaime surprised all seven of us in our little group of friends with a flower delivery to "the best roomies and friends ever." She's thoughtful, even from Mexico.

So, when you think of Valentine's Day as a day to celebrate love of any kind, not just romantic love, it's not so bad at all. When it comes to the friendly kind, I've got plenty of people to love.

Friday, February 10, 2012

On my way home from work today, I was at an intersection waiting to turn left. Our light turned green but there were lots of oncoming cars so I didn't even go out into the intersection because I knew I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Apparently, the guy behind me thought this was a dumb idea. He honked at me then I could see him in my rearview mirror motioning me to move forward. The four feet into the intersection where I still wouldn't be able to turn left without turning into impending doom.

Really? That impatient, are we? It actually took me a minute to figure out I was the one he was upset with. Because really, why are you upset that I'm not inching my way into oncoming traffic? After I did turn, he quickly changed lanes so he could speed around me then stop right in front of me at the next red light.

At least I wasn't holding him up anymore.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Housewarming Crepes

A couple months ago my good friends Whitney, Hailey, Angela, and DeeAura moved into a new, fabulous apartment in south Provo. Last week they celebrated by hosting a housewarming party. Dee made her now-famous crepes, which I may or may not have had several helpings of. I'm on a diet now; it's fine.

Love these ones.

This is the pretty picture of Angela and Whitney

This is what happened while trying to get the pretty shot of Angela and Whitney

Erik and Derrick

The hostesses

Our pretty is effortless.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

One of my New Year's resolutions was to write and complete a Utah Bucket List - things I wanted to see or do before I leave Utah.

I don't have very long left or very much money. So even though I'd like to go back to southern Utah and visit more of the amazing national parks there, I had to count southern Utah out of my list. It's just not realistic. So I took suggestions from friends, did a little research of my own, and this is what I came up with.

1. Sundance Film Festival. I actually accomplished this one this past weekend! In all honesty, it wasn't that exciting. I saw no one famous, and we didn't see any movies. That probably would've been better. It was the first time I'd been down Main Street in Park City, though, and that was cool, except that I felt like my face was going to freeze off.

2. Antelope Island. I've heard this offers the best views of the Great Salt Lake, as well as some bison and other wildlife.

3. Salt Flats. I still don't exactly understand what they are, but I hear it's beautiful, and I like beautiful things.

4. The Roof Restaurant. Stunning views of Salt Lake City and good food.

5. Hike Mt. Timpanogos and go to Timpanogos Caves. In all honesty, this one scares the crap out of me. But I'm planning to do it in May, when it's a bit warmer, and I'll have just run a half marathon. I'll be in better shape so I should be able to survive it, right? Right?

6. Hot Springs. I can't recall ever going to natural hot springs but I hear there are some great ones around here. Any suggestions for which one is the best?

7. Alpine coaster and slide at Park City. I love the Olympics, so I'm super excited to go up to Park City and see what's left over from the 2002 games. I'm also excited that this year is the 10-year anniversary so they're having lots of commemorative events.

8. Snowshoeing. I'm not a huge winter sports fan. I've been skiing and hated it, so I don't want to go snowboarding. Snowshoeing sounds doable, though. I'd also love to go snowmobiling. Anyone have a snowmobile they want to take me on?

Ok, that's my list. Anything else you know of that I just must see or do within an hour or two of Provo?