Sunday, August 26, 2012


Our last day was spent in Indianapolis. Jaime's flight didn't leave until later in the afternoon, so we took Jonah and Emerson and went to visit the museum at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, where they hold the Indy 500 every year.

We're all racers at heart.

I told everyone to choose their favorite car and we'd take pictures in front of them. They have the winning cars of most of the races they've been doing since the first one in 1911. Mine was from the 60s I think. Or the 50s maybe.

Jonah chose the original winner from 1911.

Emerson won the most recent winner they have in the museum: the 2011 winner.

Jaime's was also from the 60s maybe. Or the 50s. Or the 40s...

That big guy in the back is actually from the races they do on the Bonneville Salt Flats in western Utah.

While watching the Bachelorette the previous week, we learned that Arie's dad actually won the Indy 500 in the early 90s. So we tracked down his car. It's fine, we were pretty excited about the Bachelorette, ok?
We hit up a tamale place for lunch afterwards (another Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives find), then took Jaime to the airport. As always, I wished we could've had more time. We were both commenting on how we would've liked to have had more time in Indiana to just hang out with my family and see a few more places. Next time.

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