Friday, May 27, 2011

the nothing post

I haven't blogged in forever and I feel like it's because I have nothing to blog about. Nothing exciting. No pictures. What's that? You want to hear about my non-eventful life right now? You got it.

I'm in the middle of my last term of classes. Spring term is shorter but more accelerated so I'm only taking two classes but they keep me pretty busy. The only problem is that I don't care about either of them so I try very little. Somehow I managed to get 100% on both of my first two tests in one class. I'm some kind of genius I suppose. Except in my other class I got a B- on our first test....oops. Good thing I don't care.

I am also in the middle of my dream job at the MTC. Except it's not quite as dreamy as I imagined it to be. Clarification before we go any further: I like my job and I am really grateful to not only have a job but have this one. It's uplifting and it's worthwhile and even though it's difficult, it's SO much better than anything I've done before. That's probably why it's difficult. I'm teaching the international missionaries so they all come to learn English. The only problem is that they all speak different languages and I know only one of those languages. It's been hard to learn how to teach them anything when they don't understand half of what I'm saying and frustrating to not be able to revert back to a common language to explain difficult concepts. But things have improved since I started and I can see myself really loving it one day. Right now it's too much work and too difficult to realize if I like it or not. Teaching is emotionally and mentally draining for me. I come home much more tired than I ever did at Wells Fargo. They're great examples, though, and it really is a fabulous job. I love that I go every day and get to talk about the gospel. What I'm doing matters. I need that in a job. So for now, the job is good and it's enjoyable. I'll let you know when I love it.

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