Thursday, May 26, 2011

hometown glory

Spare me the "tornadoes are devastating" "the damage is life-altering" "people die from this stuff" talk. I'm sorry I can't help the fact that these pictures make me wish I were in Indiana this week. How sweet is that? That's my hometown. Lucky jerks.


  1. ummm cary always gives me a hard time, but i've always thought natural disasters were a little cool. I loved the hurricanes growing up!

    My heart does go out to those who lost their lives and homes. Tornadoes should stay in the cornfields where their magnificence can just be appreciated by all.

  2. Hey Kaley! It's your cousin Ashley. I had to laugh when I saw this because my mom would call me to check the weather radar when her internet was out during the storms and I always wish I was there!
