Tuesday, March 22, 2011

no, it was not my pleasure to serve you

I guess some people aren't satisfied with the frequency with which I blog. So here's a lame post to satisfy said person...er...people.

I need a new job. Most of you know this about me, but I have a really hard time hiding my feelings. If someone is annoying me, they usually know it. My friends say they like this about me because you never have to wonder what I'm thinking. So, I've taken this as an ok trait to have.

Except, I work in customer service. It's kind of important to be nice to people even when they're annoying you.

But sometimes (I mean, all the time) I can't hold it in. Here's an example:

Yesterday, we were really busy (I work at a bank, btw) for the last hour before closing at 7. Except I work at a branch that's inside a grocery store so we can't really lock the doors at 7, since we, in fact, have no doors. And we can't very well close the gate when we're helping people who were there before 7. So many times, people will come up after 7 and get in line, and we either have to help them or sound like a jerk and tell them we're closed and they have to get out of line. We usually just help them.

Anyway, back to the story. So yesterday, this happened. There were several people in line at 7 so we helped them, but a few came after 7. Not wanting to go through the awkward conversation, we helped them anyway. One man got in line at 7:09. I had the pleasure of helping him. This is how our conversation went:

Man: You guys are probably ready to go home, aren't you?
Kaley: Yeah, we closed about 10 minutes ago.
M: I'm really sorry to keep you so late.
K: Are you? Because you're still here. Are you really that sorry?
M: (nervous chuckle) yeah, I guess I'm not that sorry.
K: Right.

Through the rest of the conversation, it came out that he had actually called prior to 7 to ask if we'd stay open for him (in my book, that doesn't make it ok. I still have to stay later, even if you asked beforehand). Our banker (who I was already annoyed with for other promises he made to customers that make me break policy) told him that of course we would wait for him. Our banker doesn't help customers at the teller line. So then our conversation went like this:

M: Yeah, he said you guys could still help me.
K: Well, of course he said we could help you. He's not doing it. He'd probably say, 'Yeah, the tellers will be here--they'll help you! They'll be here all night!' Meanwhile, he's checking out at 7.
(which isn't entirely true; he was still there when that guy was there. But he left way before I did, that's for sure).

Then the man told me I was sassy and that he liked it. I think he may have just been uncomfortable and tried to pretend like I was just joking. I wasn't. But it's ok if he thinks that I was. Then if he gets surveyed about his service, maybe he'll give me perfect 5s because I have a great sense of humor.


  1. I feel like that was directed (at least partially) at me. Thank you for blogging today!

    I enjoy your stories!! I love that I can at least keep up with old friends on blogs... even if I stink at keeping up with people in real life! XOXO

  2. Ha ha ha I love you for telling him what you think. I'm WAY too nice to customers. I never say what I'm actually thinking :(

    Yay, for the day we both have jobs that don't require so much bs

  3. I LOVE that you just say what you think. I always have incredibly sassy conversations going on in my mind, but the words coming out of my mouth are generally kind and understanding. (To strangers. If I know the person, I generally say what I think.) But still.
