Sunday, June 7, 2015

Moving Help

Last month I moved out of Tessa's house and into a house on the near east side of Indianapolis. I live with a few girls I met when I went to the singles' branch. Living here has literally changed my life. Everything is so close - work is a 7-minute drive, downtown is a 5-minute drive, church is a 6-minute drive. My decision to attend something no longer has to include figuring out what I'll do for two hours between work and whatever it is I'm going to. It's always convenient to go home. I love, love, love it.

That being said, moving was tough. When I first came back to Indiana, I moved in with Tessa because I didn't know exactly where I'd want to live or who I'd live with. It was always a temporary thing - I was thinking maybe six months max. Once I got here, though, it just made sense for me to stay - she needed help with the kids, I didn't have much money to pay rent, the setup in her basement was really nice (separate room and private bathroom). Then when we moved to Fishers, that was going to be even more temporary because I hated the drive and quarters were a little more cramped - the youngest three kids were all squished into one room and I was sharing a bathroom with all the kids. But I didn't quite know who I'd live with yet, and it didn't make sense to move during winter, blah blah blah. Even over those years, moving out was always still in my mind so making the decision to actually do it wasn't hard. That's what I had been planning to do the whole time. But once I made the decision and I started packing, I realized I'd been living with them for almost three years. That's the longest I'd lived with anyone since I lived at home. They became part of my everyday life and I realized how much I would miss them. 

I don't think me living there was an accident at all. There were a few moments, especially during my first year teaching, when I felt very strong impressions that me living with them was a very specific blessing for me and for them. I know I was meant to be there for the kids as an extra support and constant during their parents' divorce. I know I was meant to be there for Tessa as an extra adult to watch the kids and to talk to when she needed someone who wasn't a child. I know they were meant to be there for me as I came home emotionally and mentally exhausted from teaching - stressed and weighed down beyond what I felt like I could handle - they were there with smiles to cheer me up. They got me through a lot of really rough days that first year and both years since then. I remember one day when I was struggling with the disappointment and frustration of not being able to have a family of my own yet, and a thought came into my mind, "I can't give you your own yet. But here are these to help fill the void until then." They filled my heart and soul more times than I can count and I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knew how much we'd need each other. 

Living with my sister has also been a blessing - we're eight years apart so we were never really on the same page growing up. Living together, though, strengthened our relationship as we bonded over food and weight loss and the kids and complicated romantic relationships. I now consider her my friend and I'm not sure that would have happened otherwise.

The last week before I moved was tough - I think all of us were adjusting to the idea of me not being around all the time - I'm sure the twins couldn't remember a time when I hadn't been living with them. They would always ask me why I was leaving and tell me I didn't have to. One night as I was bringing boxes down, Cooper came down and asked, "Will you come visit us? Like on Valentine's Day?" I assured him I would come visit much more often than just on Valentine's Day.

I hate moving. Packing is the absolute worst. Fortunately, I had this darling little assistant to help me.

Once everything was packed, I loaded my car and brought it down and Isaac loaded my dad's truck and brought it down. Between the two of us, we got everything down to the house. I was so impressed that he'd loaded the entire truck - including my bed and dresser - by himself. He also brought a fun little surprise. :) We went to dinner after we unloaded everything and she threw everything on the floor, per usual.

Isaac also brought up an old fridge my dad had out in his shop. It was the most disgusting thing I'd ever seen. Fortunately, my mom came up that weekend to help us move everything in (I moved in Thursday and my roommates moved in Saturday) and she hit that fridge like no one's business. She's amazing. I wish I had an after picture - just imagine this fridge but clean.

My mom spent her entire Saturday at my house cleaning everything. The house was super dirty when we got it, so she and I cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom, the floors, the woodwork, the bathrooms, the laundry room - everything. She event brought a salad for us to share for lunch. She's incredible. Then that evening Tessa and her kids came to visit and brought us a delicious home-cooked meal.

Last week, my dad, Isaac, and Jacob brought over Isaac's piano (they're leaving it to me since they're not taking it with them to Colorado) as well as a few metal shelves he doesn't need. Did I mention it was 10:30 at night? Jacob's also building us some shelves for our pantry. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by how blessed I am with the family that I have. I simply couldn't do life without them.

It's been so nice being convenient - I get more visitors, too! A few weeks ago Dominika's mom had a baby so my mom came up to watch Adelina and they came to my house to visit because it's not far from anything! My mom took Adelina up to my room to put her to sleep and this is what I found when I came up. :) Apparently she flopped around until finally falling asleep on her face.

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