Sunday, June 14, 2015

Field Day

One of the things I love most about my job is the flexibility and autonomy. I have things I need to get done, but for the most part when and how I do those things is up to me. I'm able to adjust my day pretty easily and I love it. That kind of flexibility also means I often get assigned to do things because I'm "available," meaning I don't have a classroom full of students who I'm responsible for. Sometimes this is terrible, such as when I get assigned to do several hours of ISTEP testing every day for two weeks straight. Sometimes this is great, such as when I get assigned to go to field day. 

This year, IPS did a district-wide field day where they had dozens of different activities set up around a giant outdoor facility. Students and staff were able to go around at will and participate in the activities they found interesting. They had everything from jump rope and potato sack races to rock climbing and archery. My favorite: the DJ. A few of the kids and I got down for real.

Full disclosure: I hate field trips - it's tough enough to manage kids when they're all in one classroom. Release them into the world? Not fun. This trip was great, though. I was in charge of a small group and they were fabulous. We spent the day migrating from activity to activity and I got to play right along with them. Aside from the fact that it was freezing, we had a great time!

I also had the chance to get to know some kids I don't regularly come in contact with. By the end of the day, this little girl hugged me and told me I was a fun person. Nothing feels better than validation from a nine-year-old. :)

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