Monday, January 16, 2012

I Have a Dream 2012

Ok, so it's 2012. A new year. A new beginning. Time to make resolutions. Nevermind that it has taken me 16 days to commit to these. Starting today, January 16, I am committed.

In honor of the late great Martin Luther King, Jr, whose birth we celebrate this gloomy Monday, I decided to fashion my resolutions post in the "I Have a Dream" format. You're welcome.

In 2012, I have a dream that one day,

1. I will run a half marathon. I actually just registered for the Provo half TO-day. There's no turning back now. May 5, here I come.

2. I will make a budget and either find or design a way to record my spending. Notice, I'm not committing to follow the budget, though I of course intend to. However, I believe in setting attainable goals.

3. Going along with this, I will pay off my credit card debt. I can't commit to all my debt since paying off my car loan and student loan this year is shooting a little high. But I can knock out the credit card for sure.

4. I will talk to each member of my family at least once a month. This will, of course, become much easier once I live in the same state as all of them. But until then, phone calls it is.

5. I will write and accomplish a Utah bucket list. So far, I only have that I want to go to Antelope Island, because I've never been there or the Great Salt Lake at all. I only have five months to complete this list and I don't really have time to travel very far, so my list can't be super long. I am very open to any suggestions of must-see or must-do things in Utah. I'll do a full post about that list once I put it together.

6. I will read at least five classic novels before I begin teaching high school English this fall. I have a feeling this will end up being more than five out of necessity, since I have read about two classics since I graduated, and beginning in August I will be expected to teach them. I am also open to suggestions for which ones to read. What did you read in high school?

7. I will attend the temple at least twice a month while in Utah and at least once every other month in Indiana.

8. I will read the Book of Mormon once through with a specific theme. I plan on using a paperback copy and marking it up only for that specific theme. I am also accepting suggestions for themes.

Do you love how interactive this list is? I cannot accomplish it alone. I need your suggestions.

So as to not forget my resolutions, I will make a list of them and put it on my bulletin board that hangs right above my desk. As I complete them, I will check them off. Since many of them require a monthly installment, I am also considering making some sort of chart so I can check it off each month. The organization of it all excites me.

Here's to actually fulfilling New Year's Resolutions! Happy New Year!


  1. I love your list! Very attainable! I need to make a list like this too! Im so jealous you get to move back to indiana! What high school will you be teaching at?? Miss you!

    oh and ps... WHY arent I on your "MY DISTRACTIONS" list??????? :)

    Love you!

  2. Those are very inspiring! I think lately I've been making my too easy. But then I still don't do them, so then I just make those my new goals for the NEXT year! As for your budgeting, I hear good things about I'm taking a Family Finance class this semester, and it's a bit of a hobby of mine. I'd be happy to tell you about what we do sometime.

    I wanna go to Antelope island! Jared would be a good one to talk to about classic novels. I think he's working on reading the top 100 or something. I'd be interested in hearing your UT bucket list. If you're ever in the Wendover area, or even if you're not, I thought the Salt Flats were pretty cool! I also want to go to Moab to see the Arches.

    BOM theme ideas: you could read it while looking for "do verses" with an attached promise. If you do "this" then you can expect "that"... Then whenever you want the "that" all you have to do is find the coordinating "this." If that makes sense.

    Good luck with your goals!

  3. impressive list! perhaps I should make a few. We've settled into a survive mode which doesn't give a lot to look forward to. Just reading your list kinda strikes a spark in me to set a goal or two... yeah, I'll set a goal to set a goal! hahahaha

    BoM - kinda related to Vo's suggestion - you could look for the "thus we see" verses. Although I know that the BoM can teach us new lessons every time we go through it, I love how Mormon doesn't leave some things to chance. "Thus we see" seems to be where he wants to point out exactly the lesson he wanted us to get. Another idea is to read with an eye for happiness/prosperous/abundance/joy. My friend Laura asked me about that the other day and, going to the topical guide, I was surprised that there are many verses related to what we're here for - to have joy.

    Speaking of happy, I'm so excited that we'll have you back this year!

    Love you!

  4. That is quite the list! Good luck!

    Utah bucket list should include if you haven't already:
    -the sweet tooth fairy
    -freedom festival in july
    -mona rope swing in the summer (i think you did this with omni peeps the summer b/f i got married, but I couldn't remember everyone who went)
    -the roof in slc (make it a fancy girls night out... it was worth the expense in my opinion)
    -hot springs
    -sammy's pie shakes, and the "clinster" sandwich at clints (hickory kist) on center street (it's AMAZING! they close at 6 though so you have to go early)
    -Hike timp... the view is actually worth it... or timp caves are also pretty cool

    And I tried to do the book of mormon theme when i graduated byu, my first year's topic was faith-which was very interesting- but i didn't make it to a second year :(

    Again, great list... go get em!

  5. Have you been to any of our lovely national parks? Arches is only 4 hours away, and Moab is right there. So is Canyonlands National Park. Zions is by St. George, so 6 hours away, but is by far one of the best places to go EVER. Hike Angels landing. Don't go in the summer, it's too freaking hot. I agree with Carla about Timp and the caves. Do both. Ever done the Heber Creeper? Been to any of the lovely hot springs around here? (diamond fork- you hike to it, Crystal hotsprings? Lava Hotsprings? the Mystical Kanosh? (aka meadow hotsprings--Its in a cowpasture in the middle of nowhere on your way to so. Utah)
    This is the Place National Monument, Hogle Zoo, the alpine coaster and alpine slide at Park City.
    been into the Uintas? Out to Dinosaur national monument in Vernal?
    Learned to ski? Rock climb?
    Eaten at JCW's? Leatherby's?
