Friday, April 15, 2011


I haven't blogged in a while. To tell you the truth, I'm sitting here right now trying to remember what my last post was about and I can't. What's sad, though, is that I really have nothing to write about right now. Let's see if I can come up with a few notes.

1. Classes ended on Wednesday. That's a false joy because school is not over. The worst has just begun. The in-the-lab-until-11 crap is now in full effect. BUT! On the other side of this week is GRAD.U.A.TION. I get to walk across the stage in an ugly gown I, fortunately, did not purchase and celebrate with all my friends and my mom! AND THEN! On the other side of that is class. Wait... Then my countdown will be 6weeks until the real end.

2. Remember how I'm a fabulous catch? I think probably more guys should realize that. But two have decided to realize it. Unfortunately, they've realized it at the same time. I'm trying to remind myself that my life doesn't have to be complicated unless I allow it to be.

3. I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but I've started Weight Watchers again. It's going well--6 pounds in 3 weeks! I'm having a hard time this week, though. I'm blaming it on stress. And some other biological reasons. Well, just one really. I will also assign a little of the blame to one boy's desire to get to my heart through food. And a little to my roommate's stash of peanut butter eggs.

4. We got another roommate! Our good friend Aubrey Morrill moved into Jaime's room. Jaime consented, so it's ok. Now Jaime just sleeps on the couch. Except she doesn't sleep here. But her room is technically the living room now.

5. I have friends at school now. I even called one of them today. I haven't had real friends at school since my freshman year. Perfect timing since we're all graduating. Shoot. They're all married and several years younger than me but I just ignore those facts.

6. My mom's coming in 6 days! And we're having a party! Come!

I designed these announcements. I know. I have a future in design. But the real excitement is the photo taken by the beautiful and talented Sarah Rae Harris. Check her out here and follow her blog! She's fabulous!

7. OOOOOHHHH. I forgot. I've mentioned before how I teach Sunday School at church and how it is the number one best calling in the universe. I love everything about it, and I made sure I let the Bishop know so that he'd keep me there for a while. Well, my good friend DeeAura decided she needed to move. I'm not sure why. But she was the Relief Society President. Read: we got a new Relief Society president. No, no. It's not me. But I did get called as the first counselor. Which under normal circumstances, I'd be super pumped about! Except that means I can't teach Sunday School anymore. Sunday was hard for me. I cried. Multiple times. I'm lame. But at least I'll still get to teach in RS sometimes. Except now all the boys in my ward can't fall in love with me while I teach. That ruins a lot of my plans.

8. In an attempt to satisfy my need to teach, I'm applying at the MTC. I'm going in tomorrow to do my rating session. We'll see what happens. I hope it goes well, because my last day at Wells Fargo is two weeks from today. I quit without having another job. Oops.

9. I was really going to try to come up with ten things. But I can't. So that's all.


  1. 2 boys!?! I need to hear more about this... And good job quitting your job. It's just too draining to have a job you hate. I need you to make a post for things that you wouldn't mind getting for a graduation gift...please. You can blame it on me if you feel selfish doing it.

  2. LOVE your announcement and photo. You my friend, are a pretty person to look at! I'm so sad that you are graditating and your mamma is coming and I don't live in Provo. I'm trying to figure out a way to ninja myself there. No promises though. I miss you dearly!

  3. I've tried to comment on this post multiple times. Google is being special. Too irritated to post my comment again. See you tomorrow, we'll talk then.
