Sunday, September 17, 2017

October 2016

When your 4 year-old falls asleep in the car, but you really need to go to the grocery store...

Family baking night - individual pizzas and chocolate chip cookies!

Jackson and I had a play date with my friend Chrissi Harris and her boys, then went to visit my mom, where he lined up all her cars, trucks, and vehicles in a line. She said Thomas used to the do the same thing when he was little. :) This boy sleeps like his daddy - out like a light, no matter the position.

My first temple trip with the Young Women in our ward.

Fall Break is for getting things done - like sitting in Walmart for three hours waiting to get new tires put on.

Campbell's last soccer game of the season. This girl is a champ!

Most of our Saturdays in the fall involve BYU football - so we all have to rep the Y!

The youth at church had a bonfire activity combined with the Greenwood ward. It was chilly, but gorgeous. Isn't Indiana beautiful?! And that fire? Insane!

Jacob asked Brandon to come up and help him with some repairs on his vehicles, so we all went up. Nalon showed Jackson around their house and yard and barn and introduced him to Alisha's horses.

My favorite work day of the year - trick-or-treat! I love seeing all the teachers dressed up, and it's so fun to see the kids' reactions to their teachers in costume!

My very favorite Izabella Nelson - she reminded me so much of my niece Campbell.

Jackson wanted to be Scooby Doo for Halloween, so for our ward trunk-or-treat, I hit up Goodwill to come up with some Shaggy and Velma costumes for Brandon and me.

Celebrating my dad's 62nd birthday at Puccini's in Fishers

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