Saturday, June 4, 2011


This young boy inspires me for a variety of reasons:
1. He saw the challenge and took care of it like no one's business.
2. He cares about others and seeks their happiness and success.
3. He is a fat little boy with a lisp. Those are my favorite kind of little boys. He could only be improved if he had glasses. I'm choosing to believe that he does but took them off for the bike lesson so as to not damage them should he fall off the bike.
4. He wears a helmet for safety. I think thousands of other cyclists and motorcyclists should follow suit. In fact, I think it should be a law. As my good friend Jaime argued, if it's a law to wear a seat belt, it should be a law to wear a helmet.
Young sir, I, too, am very happy of yourself.
Rock and roll.

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