Monday, May 27, 2019

Baseball and Circus

Dominika and the kids are in town for about a month, and it's been so fun to have them here! On the 18th, they came to Jackson's baseball game, and then Adelina stayed with us and we went to the circus and had a sleepover.

Brandon is every child's favorite uncle.

Isaac and Dominika's son Elias was born the same day as Brandon's sister Elexis's daughter Nova. This was their first time meeting - quite a difference in size!

Jackson's team lost (I think) but he had two hits!

After the game, Dominika and the kids came over for lunch then Dominika took the boys and Adelina stayed with us and we headed over to the circus! It was the first time for all four of us. I was a little skeptical at first - the first act wasn't very impressive - but it ended up being pretty fun even though it was crazy hot!

Jackson's favorite act were the motorcycles that rode in crazy circles inside the metal cage and my favorite were the acrobats who were crazy strong. Adelina's favorite was "everything." :)

Clown noses for silly kids!

We came home and the kids played a bit then had a sleepover on the air mattress on Jackson's floor. They had a secret plan they wouldn't tell us about, which we assumed was that they were going to stay up all night. That clearly didn't happen. We found out in the morning, that their plan was actually to wake up in the middle of the night and have a party, which also didn't happen. :)

Adelina stayed and went to church with us the next day then I took her home. It was so much fun to have her stay and to see her and Jackson play together. My two favorite kids!

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