Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tessa's Birthday

For Tessa's birthday, we got together for a family bowling night. I'm pretty hit-and-miss when it comes to bowling. I'm either really good or really terrible. Often, I start out really well then go downhill. That's what happened this night. I hit some strikes in the beginning then got tired and stopped caring. We had a great time all hanging out, though. 


Afterwards, we went to Cheeseburger in Paradise for dinner with our big, noisy clan. 

That night, I was thinking about how much I still enjoy these family events. I've lived here for a year and a half now, but the novelty of being here for this kind of stuff has not worn off. I cannot get over how much I love seeing my family and being with them. As much as I struggle with my job sometimes, I'm so grateful that it brought me home.


Tessa's birthday wasn't actually until the next day, so the next morning when she went to go work out, the kids and I wrote 36 things we loved about her, put them inside 36 balloons, and blew them up to put in her room. I had to go to church before she made it home, but the kids were so excited to surprise her and help her pop all the balloons to see our messages! I'm grateful for a generous sister who has allowed me to live with her and her kids for the last year and a half. It has been a huge blessing to me.

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