The Big Revealing: Resolutions 2013
"One of the best sequels I've seen in at least a year." -an anonymous critic
"There's no way this is not going to be epic." -a hipster blogger
"I feel really good about this." -me.
Ok, there's been a lot of hype about these resolutions. I know you've been hearing quotes thrown around by really important people about whether or not these are the best resolutions that have ever been made. I invite you to make that judgement for yourself, but I will go ahead and tell you what judgement you should make: these are the best resolutions I've made this year.
My good friend Carla makes four resolutions every year: a social one, a spiritual one, a physical one, and a mental one. I loved her idea and modeled mine after that last year, though I added a few because I tend to overexert myself. This year is no exception. I also added a financial one, since I have yet to get my stuff together in that arena.
Last week, a guy in my ward gave a really great talk about goal-setting, and he talked about how all things are spiritual to God, even if they may seem temporal to us. He encouraged us when setting goals to find scriptures to go along with the goals to help us remember and understand that our goals matter for our long-term growth as spiritual children of our Heavenly Father. Challenge accepted.
Here we go:
1. Give away one Book of Mormon per month. I'm not going to lie, this is the one I'm most nervous about. I've never been very good about member missionary work, because, well, it's kind of scary. But since moving back to Indiana, I've really been feeling like I should be doing more to share the Gospel with those around me, and there are SO MANY people who know nothing about The Church of Latter-day Saints. And I find it incredibly misleading to meet new people, get to know them, and share nothing about what is absolutely most important to me. So, if you've ever wanted to know what those crazy Mormons believe, feel free to help me fulfill this resolution. :) I'd be happy to give you a copy of The Book of Mormon which has all the foundational doctrine we believe in. I might just make you wait a month if I've already handed one out the month that you ask me. Just kidding. "And thou must open thy mouth at all times, declaring my gospel with the sound of rejoicing. Amen." Doctrine and Covenants 28: 16
2. Read the Sunday School and Relief Society lessons before church on Sunday. I'm awesome at this when I teach Sunday School. Not so awesome any other time. I've seen how helpful it is, though, when I come to church prepared. "Therefore, prepare they heart to receive and obey the instructions which I am about to give unto you." Doctrine and Covenants 132:3
3. Go to the temple at least once every other month, and study something about the temple the entire week before I go. I did well with my temple goal last year, so I'm just trying to step it up a notch. "Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God." Doctrine and Covenants 88:119
4. Drop 10 pounds. I did really well this past year, actually losing about 20 pounds. This year, I have those pesky last 5 that I've been working on for a few months, plus the 5 I added on during the holidays... "...shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones." Doctrine and Covenants 89:18 I'm taking "health in their navel" to mean that I'll lose that extra padding that's hanging out right around my belly button.
5. Pay off my credit card. This is a repeat goal, but I feel much more confident about it this year. I've got a steady income, my sister doesn't charge me rent, and I'm committed to not using the credit card, which helps in paying it off. :) "...they should deliver themselves out of bondage." Mosiah 22:1
6. Do something social with people my age at least once a month. Ok, it's a little pathetic that this has to be a resolution, but I've really struggled with it since moving back to Indiana. My job keeps me crazy busy during the week, then during the weekend I pretty much want to just sit at home and do nothing. That's where it was really helpful to have roommates - they were at your house already. Not so easy when you live with children. On top of that, most of the friends I've made here socialize at bars and parties with alcohol, which I'm just not comfortable with. THEN you add on to the situation that I'm just not very social and making friends is a chore for me, and I've got a legitimate problem. My family is great, but if I ever want to get married, I should probably start hanging out with people I'm not related to. "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly; and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
7. Write a letter every month. This one's kind of obscure, and I just thought of it randomly. I just think it would be really nice to receive an unexpected actual letter in the mail, rather than credit card offers, so I'm going to do that for someone else at least once a month and send it to that person through the mail with a stamp and envelope and everything. "That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate." 1 Timothy 6:18
8. Keep a gratitude journal. I've been doing this for a few weeks now, and I'm surprised actually at how hard it is for me to come up with things to be grateful for sometimes. I realize that's ridiculous, so I'm hoping this project will help me recognize how many great things are really happening in my life and help me be happier overall. "...that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and belessings which he doth bestow upon you." Alma 34:38
That's it. I did 8 last year, and I've got 8 this year. I'm excited to make myself a little chart to keep track of my progress, so feel free to ask me how these are going at any time during the year. I'm really grateful for the chance to start fresh every year and make plans for how I'm going to ensure that I'm a better version of myself at the start of next year than I am now.
Dang, girl! You're so ambitious!