Last week I got an unexpected package in the mail from Miss class at Lincoln Elementary in Indianapolis, Indiana. It took me a second before I realized that my niece and nephew go to that school. Excitedly, I opened it up.
Inside was a tiny little stuffed bear named Emma who came with her own travel diary. My niece Emerson is in first grade and as a geography lesson, each studnet has sent out a small stuffed animal--a travelmate--to someone in a different state. It is then that person's reponsibility to write a little about where he or she lives, include some photos from the travelmate's adventure there, and then send her on to someone else in a different state or country. Whoever has the travelmate at the end of May sends it back to the school and the class can see all the places their travelmates have been.
Isn't that cute? I was so touched that Emerson chose to send it to me, but then I realized I'm probably the only person she knows personally that doesn't live in Indiana. I was still super excited about it.
So a few days ago, Jaime and I went to the temple and to BYU where Emma and I had ourselves a little photo shoot at Provo's most famous landmarks. I tried to include the mountains in both pictures, too, since children in Indiana most likely have never seen a mountain in their lives. I really think Emma had a great time during her stay here in Provo, Utah.
I was wearing my BYU attire that day, not to enhance the photo, but because that was the day BYU was supposed to advance to the Elite 8. Instead, they fell apart in overtime. Boo.
I have now sent Emma along to my friend Rachel who lives in Washington, D.C. Safe travels, little bear!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
reminder: i'm not pregnant
Last week my good friends from Indiana Andrea, Chrissi, Melissa, and I met for our monthly (except we missed last month....oops) dinner. This time our friend Hollie was in town from Indiana for the week so she came, too. She's having a baby girl next week so she was in town for a baby shower. It was also a little bit of a farewell, because Melissa's husband Thomas just accepted a job in Richfield, which is two hours south of Provo. They're moving in a couple of weeks. It will be sad to not have her around as frequently.

I love these girls. It's great to be able to sit with people that I feel like I've known all my life (some of which I actually have) and see the roads we've all taken.
It's always a little hard for me at first because they've all been married for several years and have children (or are at least pregnant), which is just a glaring reminder that I am not and I have not. But once I get past that, I genuinely love these girls and I'm really proud of who they are and the choices they've made. They're strong, faithful, fabulous women and I'm lucky to know them.
I love these girls. It's great to be able to sit with people that I feel like I've known all my life (some of which I actually have) and see the roads we've all taken.
It's always a little hard for me at first because they've all been married for several years and have children (or are at least pregnant), which is just a glaring reminder that I am not and I have not. But once I get past that, I genuinely love these girls and I'm really proud of who they are and the choices they've made. They're strong, faithful, fabulous women and I'm lucky to know them.
love at home
I got new roommates!
At the beginning of this school year, I was living with three girls that I didn't know. They were fine girls, but they were a bit messy for my very clean taste. And we just weren't friends. So coming home was not exciting, or relaxing for that matter since messes stress me out. Our apartment wasn't cute and it was usually dirty and it just wasn't homey at all.
Those girls have all since moved out. I lived by myself for a couple of weeks which, I'm not going to lie, was pretty fabulous. But it definitely wasn't homey.
So a few weeks ago, I made a proposition to two of my very good friends who lived across the hall: just move in with me. Duh.
So they did! Two of my best girls, Aubrey and Angela, moved in a week ago and it has been so fun! Here we are in St. George last month. This picture even includes our honorary roommate Jaime. She's over all the time, anyway, so we just call the extra room in our apartment "Jaime's room." We even call it that when she's not here.
They're both clean, too, so our apartment is really pleasant to be in and they brought some fab decor with them. Now our house really is a home... And it's clean!
I wish I had before pictures so you could see how ugly the living room was before they came. That big green wall is where this beauty-of-a-mirror will go as soon as we find someone to help us put it up. Nevermind the nasty stained carpet. That we can do nothing about, unfortunately.
I bought those tulips last week to welcome my new roommates. I recently decided that tulips are one of my favorite flowers, and these particular ones are nothing short of amazing! They change almost every day from droopy to tall and straight. I swear they've even grown. They are quite active and also quite beautiful.
At the beginning of this school year, I was living with three girls that I didn't know. They were fine girls, but they were a bit messy for my very clean taste. And we just weren't friends. So coming home was not exciting, or relaxing for that matter since messes stress me out. Our apartment wasn't cute and it was usually dirty and it just wasn't homey at all.
Those girls have all since moved out. I lived by myself for a couple of weeks which, I'm not going to lie, was pretty fabulous. But it definitely wasn't homey.
So a few weeks ago, I made a proposition to two of my very good friends who lived across the hall: just move in with me. Duh.
So they did! Two of my best girls, Aubrey and Angela, moved in a week ago and it has been so fun! Here we are in St. George last month. This picture even includes our honorary roommate Jaime. She's over all the time, anyway, so we just call the extra room in our apartment "Jaime's room." We even call it that when she's not here.
They're both clean, too, so our apartment is really pleasant to be in and they brought some fab decor with them. Now our house really is a home... And it's clean!
I wish I had before pictures so you could see how ugly the living room was before they came. That big green wall is where this beauty-of-a-mirror will go as soon as we find someone to help us put it up. Nevermind the nasty stained carpet. That we can do nothing about, unfortunately.
I bought those tulips last week to welcome my new roommates. I recently decided that tulips are one of my favorite flowers, and these particular ones are nothing short of amazing! They change almost every day from droopy to tall and straight. I swear they've even grown. They are quite active and also quite beautiful.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
not done yet
You may have thought I was done posting today. I did, too. We were both wrong.
I just took a shower. Sometimes I like to stand in the shower, even when I'm done cleaning, and just enjoy the warm water. I know you do it, too; don't judge. Anyway, aside from not being very earth-friendly, it's quite relaxing and I like it. Today in my extra time, I pretended to wash my hair like I was on a shampoo commercial. They always look so happy and refreshed. It was nice for the time, but when I spend too much time in the shower, I start to feel really tired. So I was not feeling very refreshed. I actually took a nap after that instead of doing my homework. Fail.
I think for the rest of my life maybe my only claim to fame will be that I graduated in the same class as Jimmer Fredette. I've never met him, or seen him for that matter (except, of course, on the court), but I'm pretty sure the fact that we go to the same school makes me famous by association. Regardless, I'm excited for the game tomorrow. Purdue already screwed up my bracket by losing, so now I'm relying on Jimmer. Go Cougs!
Friday, Mark Zuckerberg and Orrin Hatch are coming to BYU to speak. That seems like just a very strange combination, but it's also an intriguing one. I'd really like to go listen to what they might have in common. And after seeing The Social Network, Zuckerberg seems like he'd be an interesting person to listen to. But they're coming at exactly the same time that I go to Institute at UVU. I'm choosing God over facebook.
Tomorrow I will be sending a 212 dollar check to the state of Utah for income taxes. I am not pleased with this. I've never had to pay taxes before. I did receive a LOT of money from the government in grants, though, so I guess I should just look at that as a sort of early tax refund. I guess. Ugh.
I just took a shower. Sometimes I like to stand in the shower, even when I'm done cleaning, and just enjoy the warm water. I know you do it, too; don't judge. Anyway, aside from not being very earth-friendly, it's quite relaxing and I like it. Today in my extra time, I pretended to wash my hair like I was on a shampoo commercial. They always look so happy and refreshed. It was nice for the time, but when I spend too much time in the shower, I start to feel really tired. So I was not feeling very refreshed. I actually took a nap after that instead of doing my homework. Fail.
I think for the rest of my life maybe my only claim to fame will be that I graduated in the same class as Jimmer Fredette. I've never met him, or seen him for that matter (except, of course, on the court), but I'm pretty sure the fact that we go to the same school makes me famous by association. Regardless, I'm excited for the game tomorrow. Purdue already screwed up my bracket by losing, so now I'm relying on Jimmer. Go Cougs!
Friday, Mark Zuckerberg and Orrin Hatch are coming to BYU to speak. That seems like just a very strange combination, but it's also an intriguing one. I'd really like to go listen to what they might have in common. And after seeing The Social Network, Zuckerberg seems like he'd be an interesting person to listen to. But they're coming at exactly the same time that I go to Institute at UVU. I'm choosing God over facebook.
Tomorrow I will be sending a 212 dollar check to the state of Utah for income taxes. I am not pleased with this. I've never had to pay taxes before. I did receive a LOT of money from the government in grants, though, so I guess I should just look at that as a sort of early tax refund. I guess. Ugh.
I graduate four weeks from tomorrow. Although I am aware that many of those graduating the same day will be three years younger than I am, I still feel pretty excited about it.
There is one problem: I won't actually be done with school.
I'll be done with my required coursework this semester, but I've decided to a language certification program for Spanish which requires me to take two more Spanish classes. So, three days after I graduate, I'll go back to class for 6 more weeks. Have I mentioned that I hated the Spanish classes I previously took at BYU? Well, I did. Spring term is not looking very exciting for me.
My mom is coming to my graduation! After some misunderstandings as to the date of the graduation (she booked her flight for the weekend after) and then a miraculous courtesy cancellation, she has a plane ticket to come out for 5 days in April! It'll be fun to have her here, and I'm really grateful to have a family that has always supported me in my education, even though it's taken me 7 years to get a bachelor's degree and I chose to do it 1600 miles away from them.
In other news, today my roommate Angela (I have roommates now! More about that later.) was able to correctly identify a Christina Aguilera song by only the first beat. I was flipping through songs and "Dirrty" came on and I skipped past it, but not until the first beat had played. Before the next song even started, I heard from the bathroom, "Dirrty", said in her best Redman voice. I was so impressed that I needed to share. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by such talented people.
There is one problem: I won't actually be done with school.
I'll be done with my required coursework this semester, but I've decided to a language certification program for Spanish which requires me to take two more Spanish classes. So, three days after I graduate, I'll go back to class for 6 more weeks. Have I mentioned that I hated the Spanish classes I previously took at BYU? Well, I did. Spring term is not looking very exciting for me.
My mom is coming to my graduation! After some misunderstandings as to the date of the graduation (she booked her flight for the weekend after) and then a miraculous courtesy cancellation, she has a plane ticket to come out for 5 days in April! It'll be fun to have her here, and I'm really grateful to have a family that has always supported me in my education, even though it's taken me 7 years to get a bachelor's degree and I chose to do it 1600 miles away from them.
In other news, today my roommate Angela (I have roommates now! More about that later.) was able to correctly identify a Christina Aguilera song by only the first beat. I was flipping through songs and "Dirrty" came on and I skipped past it, but not until the first beat had played. Before the next song even started, I heard from the bathroom, "Dirrty", said in her best Redman voice. I was so impressed that I needed to share. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by such talented people.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
no, it was not my pleasure to serve you
I guess some people aren't satisfied with the frequency with which I blog. So here's a lame post to satisfy said
I need a new job. Most of you know this about me, but I have a really hard time hiding my feelings. If someone is annoying me, they usually know it. My friends say they like this about me because you never have to wonder what I'm thinking. So, I've taken this as an ok trait to have.
Except, I work in customer service. It's kind of important to be nice to people even when they're annoying you.
But sometimes (I mean, all the time) I can't hold it in. Here's an example:
Yesterday, we were really busy (I work at a bank, btw) for the last hour before closing at 7. Except I work at a branch that's inside a grocery store so we can't really lock the doors at 7, since we, in fact, have no doors. And we can't very well close the gate when we're helping people who were there before 7. So many times, people will come up after 7 and get in line, and we either have to help them or sound like a jerk and tell them we're closed and they have to get out of line. We usually just help them.
Anyway, back to the story. So yesterday, this happened. There were several people in line at 7 so we helped them, but a few came after 7. Not wanting to go through the awkward conversation, we helped them anyway. One man got in line at 7:09. I had the pleasure of helping him. This is how our conversation went:
Man: You guys are probably ready to go home, aren't you?
Kaley: Yeah, we closed about 10 minutes ago.
M: I'm really sorry to keep you so late.
K: Are you? Because you're still here. Are you really that sorry?
M: (nervous chuckle) yeah, I guess I'm not that sorry.
K: Right.
Through the rest of the conversation, it came out that he had actually called prior to 7 to ask if we'd stay open for him (in my book, that doesn't make it ok. I still have to stay later, even if you asked beforehand). Our banker (who I was already annoyed with for other promises he made to customers that make me break policy) told him that of course we would wait for him. Our banker doesn't help customers at the teller line. So then our conversation went like this:
M: Yeah, he said you guys could still help me.
K: Well, of course he said we could help you. He's not doing it. He'd probably say, 'Yeah, the tellers will be here--they'll help you! They'll be here all night!' Meanwhile, he's checking out at 7.
(which isn't entirely true; he was still there when that guy was there. But he left way before I did, that's for sure).
Then the man told me I was sassy and that he liked it. I think he may have just been uncomfortable and tried to pretend like I was just joking. I wasn't. But it's ok if he thinks that I was. Then if he gets surveyed about his service, maybe he'll give me perfect 5s because I have a great sense of humor.
I need a new job. Most of you know this about me, but I have a really hard time hiding my feelings. If someone is annoying me, they usually know it. My friends say they like this about me because you never have to wonder what I'm thinking. So, I've taken this as an ok trait to have.
Except, I work in customer service. It's kind of important to be nice to people even when they're annoying you.
But sometimes (I mean, all the time) I can't hold it in. Here's an example:
Yesterday, we were really busy (I work at a bank, btw) for the last hour before closing at 7. Except I work at a branch that's inside a grocery store so we can't really lock the doors at 7, since we, in fact, have no doors. And we can't very well close the gate when we're helping people who were there before 7. So many times, people will come up after 7 and get in line, and we either have to help them or sound like a jerk and tell them we're closed and they have to get out of line. We usually just help them.
Anyway, back to the story. So yesterday, this happened. There were several people in line at 7 so we helped them, but a few came after 7. Not wanting to go through the awkward conversation, we helped them anyway. One man got in line at 7:09. I had the pleasure of helping him. This is how our conversation went:
Man: You guys are probably ready to go home, aren't you?
Kaley: Yeah, we closed about 10 minutes ago.
M: I'm really sorry to keep you so late.
K: Are you? Because you're still here. Are you really that sorry?
M: (nervous chuckle) yeah, I guess I'm not that sorry.
K: Right.
Through the rest of the conversation, it came out that he had actually called prior to 7 to ask if we'd stay open for him (in my book, that doesn't make it ok. I still have to stay later, even if you asked beforehand). Our banker (who I was already annoyed with for other promises he made to customers that make me break policy) told him that of course we would wait for him. Our banker doesn't help customers at the teller line. So then our conversation went like this:
M: Yeah, he said you guys could still help me.
K: Well, of course he said we could help you. He's not doing it. He'd probably say, 'Yeah, the tellers will be here--they'll help you! They'll be here all night!' Meanwhile, he's checking out at 7.
(which isn't entirely true; he was still there when that guy was there. But he left way before I did, that's for sure).
Then the man told me I was sassy and that he liked it. I think he may have just been uncomfortable and tried to pretend like I was just joking. I wasn't. But it's ok if he thinks that I was. Then if he gets surveyed about his service, maybe he'll give me perfect 5s because I have a great sense of humor.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
that's a good boy

Brad picked Emily! He did the right thing!
I'm not usually a Bachelor fan, but this season Jaime got me hooked. And just like Brad, I was in love from the beginning. Except, not really just like Brad. Different, really. But I love Emily!
I'd heard the spoiler rumors about Chantal winning which made me mad for two reasons: 1. I hate spoilers. I like to be surprised. Don't tell me. Geez. 2. I hate Chantal. Ok, I don't hate her. She's fine. She's just annoying and I like Emily way better.
But he picked Emily! I'm so proud of him! She's gorgeous and seems really real and classy. I think that was pretty evident after the show when they were talking about how they'd had some trouble and she was having a hard time watching the show and not feeling insecure. I would, too. See, she's just like everyone else. Except she looks like a barbie doll. In a good way. I hope they can make it.
reception requirements
This past weekend, my friend Athena got married so Jaime, Whitney, April, and I went up to Midway to her reception. They had the reception at a resort up there that was really fancy and Athena looked gorgeous.

As weddings always do, however, it made me consider what I want at my wedding. I don't even have a boyfriend yet so right now, I can only imagine what I'll want at my wedding that will probably happen in no fewer than 5 years. My opinions on nearly everything always change: colors, flowers, type of reception, type of dress, bridesmaids or no, what temple. One thing that doesn't change for me: the food.
Food is the most important part of a wedding reception for me. Well, aside from the fact that two people have committed to each other forever; although, that's really more important for them than it is for me. So yeah, food's my number one. At my wedding, I've decided, I want to have food. Like real food. Like dinner. But not a sit-down, RSVP with your choice between filet mignon and smoked salmon, vested server bring the food to your namecarded table. Not that kind of dinner. More like, go through the line, choose what you want, but get enough food to fill you up. Another very important part of the food? Knowing what it is. It is very frustrating to me to go to receptions where the food looks all kinds of fancy but I have no idea what it is. So I don't eat it. Then I'm hungry. And I'm upset. If it's weird-looking, label it.
Anyway, this has brought me to this question: what's important to you?
Married friends, what is one thing that you are so glad you did at your wedding and what is one thing you would've changed? Or one thing you thought was important but realize now you should've put more time and money into something else?
To my still wishful friends (it's ok, I fall into this category, too), what is something that you're super deadset on doing or having for your wedding?
I love to go to receptions for 1)good food and wedding cake. I LOVE wedding cake! And also, receptions are generally fun and pretty and let's be serious, everyone likes things that are pretty. 2) I like to look at what people have done and get ideas for my own wedding, whenever that will be.
When it is finally my turn, I'll have had years of experience gathering ideas. It'll be the wedding of the century. You should mark your calendars. Just pretty generally. Like let's say sometime before 2020.
As weddings always do, however, it made me consider what I want at my wedding. I don't even have a boyfriend yet so right now, I can only imagine what I'll want at my wedding that will probably happen in no fewer than 5 years. My opinions on nearly everything always change: colors, flowers, type of reception, type of dress, bridesmaids or no, what temple. One thing that doesn't change for me: the food.
Food is the most important part of a wedding reception for me. Well, aside from the fact that two people have committed to each other forever; although, that's really more important for them than it is for me. So yeah, food's my number one. At my wedding, I've decided, I want to have food. Like real food. Like dinner. But not a sit-down, RSVP with your choice between filet mignon and smoked salmon, vested server bring the food to your namecarded table. Not that kind of dinner. More like, go through the line, choose what you want, but get enough food to fill you up. Another very important part of the food? Knowing what it is. It is very frustrating to me to go to receptions where the food looks all kinds of fancy but I have no idea what it is. So I don't eat it. Then I'm hungry. And I'm upset. If it's weird-looking, label it.
Anyway, this has brought me to this question: what's important to you?
Married friends, what is one thing that you are so glad you did at your wedding and what is one thing you would've changed? Or one thing you thought was important but realize now you should've put more time and money into something else?
To my still wishful friends (it's ok, I fall into this category, too), what is something that you're super deadset on doing or having for your wedding?
I love to go to receptions for 1)good food and wedding cake. I LOVE wedding cake! And also, receptions are generally fun and pretty and let's be serious, everyone likes things that are pretty. 2) I like to look at what people have done and get ideas for my own wedding, whenever that will be.
When it is finally my turn, I'll have had years of experience gathering ideas. It'll be the wedding of the century. You should mark your calendars. Just pretty generally. Like let's say sometime before 2020.
Friends. I'm an award-winning author. Check out my stuff in Stowaway magazine.
Ok, it's not really award-winning. Yet.
The magazine is created by editing students at BYU (that's me) and published through an online It's also available online for free through Our issue will come out in the fall of this year so you won't be able to read it until October. But the past issues are pretty fabulous.
Stowaway is a travel magazine created by students for young, budget-conscious travelers (that's you). The articles range from features on exotic places to lists of tips and tricks. Check back at the website in October for my article--"From Bore to Blast: 8 Fabulous Fixes for Airport Boredom." Trust me, you're gonna wanna read this.
If you're at all into traveling, you should definitely check this out. The articles are interesting, the pictures are gorgeous, and the cause is worthy! So go ahead, click on over, and "Explore. Dream. Discover."
Ok, it's not really award-winning. Yet.
The magazine is created by editing students at BYU (that's me) and published through an online It's also available online for free through Our issue will come out in the fall of this year so you won't be able to read it until October. But the past issues are pretty fabulous.
Stowaway is a travel magazine created by students for young, budget-conscious travelers (that's you). The articles range from features on exotic places to lists of tips and tricks. Check back at the website in October for my article--"From Bore to Blast: 8 Fabulous Fixes for Airport Boredom." Trust me, you're gonna wanna read this.
If you're at all into traveling, you should definitely check this out. The articles are interesting, the pictures are gorgeous, and the cause is worthy! So go ahead, click on over, and "Explore. Dream. Discover."
Friday, March 11, 2011
the food rules me
I am hungry all. the. time. It's driving me crazy! I eat a full meal and I'm hungry within half an hour. Like, starving. This is especially frustrating when I'm at school. Don't worry, I'm a good little school girl--I bring my lunch to school and I bring extra snacks. Not enough. I'm nearly fainting by the time I get home. And half the time I have to go to work straight from school, which means I either have to pay money to buy something there or eat the crap that everyone else leaves lying around. I can't just carry all my day's food around with me. Not all food is really portable, you know. It's a problem.
I've tried to figure out what the problem is. I've considered pregnancy, except that it is obviously scientifically impossible for me to be pregnant since I know not a man, nor have I been artificially inseminated. Also, I'm about to go on birth control and I don't think they allow you to do that if you're pregnant. Although they do ask me every time I go to the doctor's office if there's any possibility that I'm pregnant. No, there's not. Thanks for rubbing it in. You probably have a husband and baby at home. I have a roommates that hate me.
I also don't understand how I'm starving all the time, yet my pants are shrinking as the days go on. Most of my work pants are unbuttoned within a half hour of getting home from work. They hurt me. I need to do something about that. But what? I can't cut out food. I'll die. For real. Maybe I should just cut out the 80 cookies I eat per day. It's an idea. Replace them with something a little more nutritious?
That's another thing. I really do try to eat well. When I cook for myself, it's always good. I like vegetables. I like healthy foods. It's the sugar that gets me. I don't buy it but I always seem to find it somewhere. At work. At friends' houses. When I go out to eat, which actually happens quite often(that alone probably explains the growing waistline and shrinking wallet).
It's frustrating. I really enjoy eating, but not when I have to come up with something to eat every other minute. I'm obviously not giving my body enough of what it needs and too much of what it doesn't. I'm struggling. So is my wardrobe.
Now, to the kitchen I go.
I've tried to figure out what the problem is. I've considered pregnancy, except that it is obviously scientifically impossible for me to be pregnant since I know not a man, nor have I been artificially inseminated. Also, I'm about to go on birth control and I don't think they allow you to do that if you're pregnant. Although they do ask me every time I go to the doctor's office if there's any possibility that I'm pregnant. No, there's not. Thanks for rubbing it in. You probably have a husband and baby at home. I have a roommates that hate me.
I also don't understand how I'm starving all the time, yet my pants are shrinking as the days go on. Most of my work pants are unbuttoned within a half hour of getting home from work. They hurt me. I need to do something about that. But what? I can't cut out food. I'll die. For real. Maybe I should just cut out the 80 cookies I eat per day. It's an idea. Replace them with something a little more nutritious?
That's another thing. I really do try to eat well. When I cook for myself, it's always good. I like vegetables. I like healthy foods. It's the sugar that gets me. I don't buy it but I always seem to find it somewhere. At work. At friends' houses. When I go out to eat, which actually happens quite often(that alone probably explains the growing waistline and shrinking wallet).
It's frustrating. I really enjoy eating, but not when I have to come up with something to eat every other minute. I'm obviously not giving my body enough of what it needs and too much of what it doesn't. I'm struggling. So is my wardrobe.
Now, to the kitchen I go.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
and the omni goes to...
Just call this the Oscars: Part two. Except better.
Monday, February 28th, 2011, The BYU 219th ward (otherwise known as The Omni) held their 1st (what I assume to be) annual Omni Awards. Each FHE (that's short for Family Home Evening. Visit this site to find out more about FHE) group created a short video and then we gathered for an Academy-Awards-worthy gala.
Aubrey, Aubrey, DeeAura, Whitney, Angela, and me all looking very red-carpet fabulous.

The stars of our action movie: Cheston's Angels

I told Mitch he had to pose with me so it looked like I came to the awards with a date. I didn't. No one did. But I like to pretend like I could have a date if I really tried.

Angela copied me. Copycat.

Biebs was my real date to the Omnis. It was hard to keep the cameras off of us.

Derrick was our host and I really think he had at least 10 different outfits.
I got to present one of the awards but I obviously couldn't take a picture of myself so you'll just have to imagine me being strikingly beautiful and incredibly funny. Our video (which I wasn't even in, btw. Don't judge) didn't win Best Picture. But it did win Best Action Film. And our very lovely Aubrey Morrill won Best Actress. And Mark Hartje won Best Actor. We're so Hollywood.
Monday, February 28th, 2011, The BYU 219th ward (otherwise known as The Omni) held their 1st (what I assume to be) annual Omni Awards. Each FHE (that's short for Family Home Evening. Visit this site to find out more about FHE) group created a short video and then we gathered for an Academy-Awards-worthy gala.
Aubrey, Aubrey, DeeAura, Whitney, Angela, and me all looking very red-carpet fabulous.
The stars of our action movie: Cheston's Angels
I told Mitch he had to pose with me so it looked like I came to the awards with a date. I didn't. No one did. But I like to pretend like I could have a date if I really tried.
Angela copied me. Copycat.
Biebs was my real date to the Omnis. It was hard to keep the cameras off of us.
Derrick was our host and I really think he had at least 10 different outfits.
I got to present one of the awards but I obviously couldn't take a picture of myself so you'll just have to imagine me being strikingly beautiful and incredibly funny. Our video (which I wasn't even in, btw. Don't judge) didn't win Best Picture. But it did win Best Action Film. And our very lovely Aubrey Morrill won Best Actress. And Mark Hartje won Best Actor. We're so Hollywood.
st. las mesquite
A couple of months ago, I realized I would probably be moving away from Utah this year. Not like that was a shock, I just hadn't really stopped to think what that would mean. Like, for instance, maybe I'll be far away from California and I've never been! So I decided to make it happen. As I previously mentioned, my friends Angela, Aubrey, Jaime, and Dee were coming with me to the LA area. Except then some things fell through. So we went to St. George and Mesquite and Vegas instead. I'm going to just say we went to Mesquite since that's where we stayed most of the time.
It wasn't California (I'll have to take another vacation sometime. Shoot.) and it wasn't even very warm, but it was fabulous! It was really nice to get away from life and I couldn't have chosen a better group to go with (unless, of course, Dee had gone as planned. But that wasn't my choice).
The first night we stopped in St. George and stayed with Angela's sister who just had a baby. Like literally. She wasn't even home from the hospital yet. Poor woman came home to a house full of strangers. We played with Angela's very bootiful niece Claire, went for a run among the red rock, went shopping, and visited the St. George temple.

The next night we headed down to Mesquite, Nevada where Aubrey's grandfather so graciously allowed us to stay in his very stylish second home. On Saturday, after taking our sweet time getting ready, we headed down to Las Vegas for the evening.

I know. Exciting and sexy. Angela could be her except that she's not Canadian.

Aubrey and Jaime both have this weird love for Elvis, even though he's like the most unattainable celebrity ever since he's dead. But whatever. Jaime didn't like this Elvis very much because he was actually Latin, though I thought that'd be a selling point. Regardless, they were pretty excited.

This is in the Bellagio. Admittedly, I haven't been in very many hotels on the strip. But out of the ones I've seen, the Bellagio is by far my favorite. It's classy and just gorgeous.

For dinner, we went to The Cheesecake Factory at Caesar's Palace. It was Angela and Aubrey's first time experiencing the Fac (I'll just call it that for short) and they loved it of course. Because you'd be a fool not to love it.

The highlight of the whole trip for all of us was going to see Viva Elvis--one of the several Cirque de Soleil shows on the strip. It was amazing. The music was great, since it was Elvis, and the acrobats and dancing were just really impressive. Probably my favorite number was...I don't know what it's called. Something about Hunk of Burning Love. That's not why it was my favorite, though those are impressive lyrics. It was fabulous because they brought out a set that was full of trampolines and these guys, dressed as superheroes, just threw themselves around from alarming heights. It was awesome. The whole show was just good. I don't know what else to say. It was just so good. We had a great time and had great seats. If you get the chance to go to a Cirque show, go. It's worth the money. Seriously.

The Bellagio fountains show is always one of my favorite parts of Vegas. It's free and fun and beautiful and I love it.

We were only there half a day, but we were all pretty tired by the end of it. We relaxed in the very posh bathroom at Caesar's and Aubrey thought we should take a picture. Except she's pretty much the only one that looks good since she looks like she's modeling.

Sunday we couldn't really do much so we hung out at the house the whole day. This house is fabulous because the decorating is fantastic. It's a Southwest theme except it's not quite pulled together. And let's be serious, it's not great. But it was fun.

We played Blind Man's Bluff which we thought was pretty dumb when Angela told us about it but it ended up being really fun.

That's when I was celebrating for finding Angela right away.

Aubrey managed to escape being it for a long time so we finally got her then teased her a little bit while she was searching.

One of my favorite features of the house was the glass-top polar bear table. Aubrey told us about it before we even went down there so we were all looking forward to enjoying our polar bear friend's presence. He looked tired, though, so Jaime gave him a rest.

He's quite a strong polar bear and loves to play Superman.

It was sad to have to come back; I really wish I could be on vacation every day of my life. But at least the scenery on the drive back was nice!

One of the best parts of the trip was how perfect our timing was. We showed up to buy our tickets for the Viva Elvis show right before the line was long. Then we got to the ticket office to redeem the vouchers right before the line got long. When we got our seat assignment, we showed up at the exact time to get sweet front-row balcony seats. We hurried over to dinner and got in within five minutes and had our food and were done in less than an hour. We must've been living right, because the Lord was definitely helping us out. Viva Las Vegas!
It wasn't California (I'll have to take another vacation sometime. Shoot.) and it wasn't even very warm, but it was fabulous! It was really nice to get away from life and I couldn't have chosen a better group to go with (unless, of course, Dee had gone as planned. But that wasn't my choice).
The first night we stopped in St. George and stayed with Angela's sister who just had a baby. Like literally. She wasn't even home from the hospital yet. Poor woman came home to a house full of strangers. We played with Angela's very bootiful niece Claire, went for a run among the red rock, went shopping, and visited the St. George temple.
The next night we headed down to Mesquite, Nevada where Aubrey's grandfather so graciously allowed us to stay in his very stylish second home. On Saturday, after taking our sweet time getting ready, we headed down to Las Vegas for the evening.
I know. Exciting and sexy. Angela could be her except that she's not Canadian.
Aubrey and Jaime both have this weird love for Elvis, even though he's like the most unattainable celebrity ever since he's dead. But whatever. Jaime didn't like this Elvis very much because he was actually Latin, though I thought that'd be a selling point. Regardless, they were pretty excited.
This is in the Bellagio. Admittedly, I haven't been in very many hotels on the strip. But out of the ones I've seen, the Bellagio is by far my favorite. It's classy and just gorgeous.
For dinner, we went to The Cheesecake Factory at Caesar's Palace. It was Angela and Aubrey's first time experiencing the Fac (I'll just call it that for short) and they loved it of course. Because you'd be a fool not to love it.
The highlight of the whole trip for all of us was going to see Viva Elvis--one of the several Cirque de Soleil shows on the strip. It was amazing. The music was great, since it was Elvis, and the acrobats and dancing were just really impressive. Probably my favorite number was...I don't know what it's called. Something about Hunk of Burning Love. That's not why it was my favorite, though those are impressive lyrics. It was fabulous because they brought out a set that was full of trampolines and these guys, dressed as superheroes, just threw themselves around from alarming heights. It was awesome. The whole show was just good. I don't know what else to say. It was just so good. We had a great time and had great seats. If you get the chance to go to a Cirque show, go. It's worth the money. Seriously.
The Bellagio fountains show is always one of my favorite parts of Vegas. It's free and fun and beautiful and I love it.
We were only there half a day, but we were all pretty tired by the end of it. We relaxed in the very posh bathroom at Caesar's and Aubrey thought we should take a picture. Except she's pretty much the only one that looks good since she looks like she's modeling.
Sunday we couldn't really do much so we hung out at the house the whole day. This house is fabulous because the decorating is fantastic. It's a Southwest theme except it's not quite pulled together. And let's be serious, it's not great. But it was fun.
We played Blind Man's Bluff which we thought was pretty dumb when Angela told us about it but it ended up being really fun.
That's when I was celebrating for finding Angela right away.
Aubrey managed to escape being it for a long time so we finally got her then teased her a little bit while she was searching.
One of my favorite features of the house was the glass-top polar bear table. Aubrey told us about it before we even went down there so we were all looking forward to enjoying our polar bear friend's presence. He looked tired, though, so Jaime gave him a rest.
He's quite a strong polar bear and loves to play Superman.
It was sad to have to come back; I really wish I could be on vacation every day of my life. But at least the scenery on the drive back was nice!
One of the best parts of the trip was how perfect our timing was. We showed up to buy our tickets for the Viva Elvis show right before the line was long. Then we got to the ticket office to redeem the vouchers right before the line got long. When we got our seat assignment, we showed up at the exact time to get sweet front-row balcony seats. We hurried over to dinner and got in within five minutes and had our food and were done in less than an hour. We must've been living right, because the Lord was definitely helping us out. Viva Las Vegas!
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